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Feb 11, 20243 min read
Support & determination pays off - Saajidah
I am a full-time working and breastfeeding mom. I must admit that it has been a very challenging journey with travelling and pumping.

Feb 4, 20247 min read
Pumping for my premie - Kashiefa
My son, was born prematurely at 32 weeks, weighing 2.1kgs. He went to the NICU for oxygen and I started expressing my milk immediately.

Dec 20, 20233 min read
DIY engorgement relief - Amiena
I was so engorged after forgetting my breastpump. I turned to the hot jar method and hand expressing to alleviate the engorgement.

Sep 23, 20234 min read
A day in the life of a breastfeeding, working, travelling mom - Nicolize
What a day in the life looks like of a breastfeeding mom with a young baby who works a corporate job as a travelling sales representative.

Aug 9, 20231 min read
All I could do was offer - Aamena
I don't know what made me do it but I offered my breast again and he instantly latched on and started sucking.

Aug 31, 202214 min read
Breastfeeding my Hirschsprung’s Warrior
I had never heard of a condition known as Hirschsprung’s disease or congenital megacolon. This is what was suspected in Joshie's case.

Feb 15, 20224 min read
It takes a village - Lindsay
Surrounding myself with a village of people who fully understood breastfeeding and were able to support me was critical to my success.

Oct 25, 20204 min read
My Relactation Story - Odette
From the minute we found out we were expecting another little miracle I decided I would do whatever it takes to breastfeed.
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